Monday, August 4, 2008

How to prevent and stop acne and pimples and acne free in 3 daysa??

Many people have acne scars that they would like to eliminate or at least have them appear less visible. Creams are usually not going to have any affect on old, deep scars. Therefore, if the scars are bothersome enough - a visit to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon may be the answer.
Why Neostrata Skin Care for Acne Is Gaining Popularity?
In this article I have shown you two effective ways to reduce your acne marks. To be honest, homemade remedies are only effective at removing light acne marks but not deep ones. It may take time for the natural remedies to work on your skin. Depending on the severity of your marks, it may take a month to a year before you can see some significant improvement. To even out the cons, both of these methods are relatively easy and simple to use and cost next to nothing for you to apply. So if you have the patience and the time, give these methods a try.
tags: how do i clear my acne without medication, lactic acid acne, tea tree oil for acne

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